Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Rights Of The Copyright And Licensing - 1471 Words

No artwork exhibited in an open display is invulnerable; anytime an artwork becomes known, it is predisposed to relative alterations, falsifications, and reuse by other artists. Countless art movements are fashioned around the revision of earlier works and representations. As an artist, one must accept the unavoidable fact that one day there will probably be alterations to their artwork. Once the great Pablo Picasso argued that: â€Å"Bad artists copy. Good artists steal†. In this essay it will be explained the rules governing the copyright and licensing. The emphasis of this essay will be also focusing on what are the steps to follow to grant a license to a third party in order to make it liable to use my own work of art, that in this case†¦show more content†¦Besides, under â€Å"work for hire† the company holds the copyright, not the artist or inventor. In such contexts, the creator holds the â€Å"moral rights† to their work, comprising the right of acknowledgment. There are different situations and rules that apply for disparate cases, all depending on the type of commission given to the artist. For example; the commissioner may own the physical painting hanging on their lounge room wall, however the artist nevertheless holds the copyright in the image of that painting. The commissioner keeps the objective painting predisposed to the artist s copyrights, and may not create prints or other duplicates from the image of the painting without the artist s authorization. Some areas of the law favor verbal and contractual agreements over copyright. Copyright does not protect ideas, or styles the instant an idea or creative concept has been given material form, it is documented, on paper or electronically; it is immediately covered by copyright. Because it is automatic and free in Australia, there is no official registry or application process for copyright protection. Copyright is not a separate â€Å"right†, but reasonably a â€Å"collection† of rights. For all material which is safeguarded by copyright, the copyright holder has the private right to replicate or create duplicates. Varying on the nature of material, the copyright holder generally has other rights as well, as, to perform or show the material in public and to broadcast

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